Friday, May 22, 2009

Guys like that, don't change.

Guys like that, don't change.

  • I am 17 years old , i have been with my boyfriend for 1 year and 8 months!!! But i broke up with him like a week ago becuse everytime we fight he gos and hits thinks and it scares me !! sometimes i think his crazy!! He hurts his nuckles becuase he punchs thinks and he gos all stupid in his car when his mad even when i im whith him! he also grabs me from my arm when we fight and one of thos times he strangeld me he has ended up in the hospital becuase he has even broke mirros with his hand!! But now that i left him he has cried to me begged me so much to get back with him, telling me that he will change and for me to let him prove it to me that he loves me and his willing to change. im scared that one of those bunches one day be on my face in insted of the wall!!! i dont know what to do. Should i get back with him???

    Absolutely not. Guys like that don't change. I've been in a relationship like that when I was your age. I stayed with him for seven years. It never changed. It almost sounds like you described the relationship I was in. Life is too short to be with someone like that. There are other guys out there who don't act like that and I am now married to one. Please for your own sake take my advice. I've been there and know better. Good luck.

  • Okay, if he's treating you like that, and cheating on you, you need to leave him. I know you guys want these boys to be there because of the babies, but they aren't going to change. I know. I was with a guy for two years...He cheated on me with everyone I knew...He lied to me...He yelled at me...He even threatened to kill me when I told him I thought I was pregnant... No matter what they say, guys like that don't change!! It might be hard at first, but you guys will be better off without them!!!!

  • Someone can hold you tight and kiss you and hug you..when THEY want to. Have you noticed it is only when he wants to? But when you want to, he is dismissive and impatient, even so much as intolerant? Does he sigh really loud, turn away from you or start an argument? How about the words, "not now!" or even, "you're so clingy". he sounds to me to be the kind of guy that wants you to clean for him and cook for him and basically be at his beck and call but not return it. he is selfish, girl, plain and simple. And guys like that don't change. I ran into that a while back. I was married to a guy who for all intensive purposes seemed to be my soulmate. It was perfect and then something happened. I would clean his house all day and do laundry, prepare a great dinner, and bring it to him at work. Thank you's did not happen letalone he noticing that his apartment was imaculate when he got home from work. Nothing. he was selfish and mean too! You name it, he said it. and the final straw being when he told me, "it is a good thing we don't have children because they would have shaken baby syndrom" I had to call it quits after that. he wasn't going to change and i had already lost a lot of my self esteem trying to change for him. I had gotten to the point where nothing I did was good enough and everything i said only served to piss him off. Girl, he is not going to change. Face it, he wants you when he wants you.....he is selfish, and what YOU want doesn't matter. the longer you stay with him, the more he thinks he has a grip around you. the longer you stay the more he will abuse and the cycle will never end.
  • 俗話說,江山易改本性難移,再狡猾的狐狸總會露出尾巴。婚後,堂嫂悲哀地發現,堂兄緊繃的神經放鬆了,以前掩飾得嚴嚴密密的缺點終於暴露出來。以前說不喝酒不吸菸,婚後整天吞雲吐霧,喝酒必醉。更要命的是她的大學生老公竟然連小學都沒畢業,談吐之間髒話連篇,吵架時出口就罵娘。眼見堂兄暴露的陋習越來越多,堂嫂悲哀地發現以前文質彬彬的這個男人此刻竟是如此俗不可耐。

  • 越來越重視人力資源工作,但也有一部分老闆思想落後,文化素質低,固執,不願意接受新鮮事物,如果遇到這樣的老闆,建議你不要在浪費時間,趕快另謀高就,不然只有兩種結果,一是到企業倒閉你才走,一種等到老闆改變過來,你的青春也不在了。「江山易改,本性難移」。


  • 都說「江山易改,本性難移」,可美國《心理科學》雜誌刊登的一項研究指出,處於快樂情緒之中的人,性格也會發生一些改變:膽子更大,探險精神更強,也更大方和開放。

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

(=to spoil someone's plans or pleasure)

  • I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but you're not allowed to have food or drinks in the theater.
  • I hate to rain on your parade, but your plans are all wrong.
  • She really rained on our plans.

Don't Rain On My Parade (別潑我冷水/from Funny Girl)
Barbara Streisand

(Start from 3'47")

Saturday, April 25, 2009

  • Omniglot / Language-related proverbs
    • "Language is the means of getting an idea from my brain into yours without surgery."-- Mark Amidon
    • 學而時習之 不亦說乎 (xué ér shí xí zhī, bù yì yuè hū)
      Is it not enjoyable to learn and practice what you learn?
      - Confucius

"tax haven"

  • 譯為「避稅天堂」或「避稅港」(許多人把避稅天堂誤寫為tax heaven)
  • 避稅港」(微基百科)指的是稅率很低、甚至是完全免徵稅款的國家或地區,但可能只有個別稅種較低,適用於特定分類的個人或商業機構。



  • 判定是否避稅天堂的四元素」(香港/明報

  • 陳沖:haven 非 heaven》避稅天堂 翻譯錯了(台灣/聯合報

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